Friday 12 February
Dear Parents and Carers
I would like to say how proud I am of our school community this half term. I know what a struggle remote learning has been for many of you. Staff have worked very hard to provide good online learning for the children. It has been a steep learning curve for all of us.
Teachers will be putting on two Zoom sessions from the 23rd February. (Monday 22nd is a PAD day and staff will be in school for training.) The morning session will be at the same time and will include registration and the explanation of the morning's work. The session at 1pm will also be a registration session with an explanation of the afternoon's work so children now need to attend. Parents from across the school, have asked for more structure to their child's day so this change is in response to your request.
We look forward to what the Government has to say about schools re-opening on February 22nd and really hope that all children will be able to return very soon.
Can I wish you all a very happy half term. I think that it has come at the right time!!
Keep safe and well.
Mrs. Perry.