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St Margaret's Church of England Primary School

Work hard, dream big and never give up.

Evening update Wednesday 20th May

Good evening to all St. Margaret's Parents and Carers

I arrived at school today with a list of jobs to do. I was happy because I was meeting with staff and Governors to, over time, bring children and staff back into our building more safely, to not set a definitive date, but rather a set of criteria that we would look to, before children could come back in, in  increased numbers,

At 11.40am I was contacted by Bury Council and asked to  welcome the BBC Education Correspondent into St. Margaret's.

Bearing in mind that I I had not been asked to do anything like this  before, I was slightly perturbed (as you can imagine!)

I very soon came to the conclusion that the BBC could not have a better place to start, than our wonderful school and so I welcomed them and they were lovely.

If you have seen the provision that will be on offer in school,  (On National TV at 6pm today and will be repeated in the 10pm news) I think you will be shocked at the changes that need to take place. I am so sorry.

I continue to work with Bury LA on your behalf. All the staff at St. Margaret's and indeed across the borough, want our children in school as soon as safely possible. The key is... SAFETY. Thank you for your lovely messages of support. They are a source of inspiration at the moment.

Mrs. Perry.

Lots of love to you all.
