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St Margaret's C of E Primary School

Aim high, never give up. Enjoy learning and growing together.



  • Saturday 29th August

    Sat 29 Aug 2020

    Hi everyone,


    I hope you are enjoying your weekend?


    Plans to re-open St. Margaret's will continue as stated on our website. The Government  issued more guidance late last night. The timing was interesting to say the least, but the vast majority of the changes apply to High Schools in areas of increased risk. Bury is admittedly one of these areas at the moment as you may know.


    As we approach the time when we all return, more things occur to me that I need to share. Here goes :)


    I have spoken with the Head Teacher at Parrenthorn and there will be staff from both schools situated on Heywood Road as the children come to school. Mr Longworth and I will be there for St. Margaret's children on their first day back. Other staff will be visible on the path up to school, please observe signage. Staff will be there to guide you around our one way system.


    Office staff will be present in the area outside the main door (so let's hope it doesn't rain!). If you have a question or a need to speak to them, I ask that this be done via phone or email where possible. Please update the school office if there are any changes to your contact details. School asks that the contact between all adults is kept to a minimum. 


    As Bury is an area of high risk at the moment, I ask that parents bringing children to school wear a face mask to keep the risk of cross contamination as low as possible.


    It is crucially important that if your child has a cough, a high temperature or if they tell you that their sense of smell and taste has gone, then you must keep them at home.


    Please remember that if you need to ask a question, get in touch with the school office. We are here to help.


    I am sure that there will be lots of other things that pop in to my head before Wednesday. 


    I am looking forward to seeing you all.


    Mrs. Perry x

  • Wednesday 26 August

    Wed 26 Aug 2020
    Hi everyone,

    I hope you are all well. I was in school today and several staff were there too, getting ready to welcome you back to your classes. I feel that as we approach the new term there are more and more things to tell you. I will be in touch more regularly now to answer questions and tell you of any new / additional arrangements. None of us have faced a new term like this so please be patient and try not to worry. We are all here to support each other.

    Lunchtime arrangements: For the first three days all the children will have a packed lunch. This is not ideal but I want to get the children back into school as a first priority and 'test out' our risk assessment. From Monday 7th September it is our aim to have the school kitchen up and running with a full menu, including hot meals.

    No child who has opted for a school lunch needs to bring their own. If a child has opted for packed lunches from home then this will continue as normal.

    Children will be doing PE so please get their kits ready. It will be useful to keep an eye on class pages on the website so that if there is any extra guidance from your child's teacher; you are aware of it. This will be particularly true for the youngest children.  (Keep an eye on Tapestry for Reception children).

    The guidance around wearing masks in school is changing constantly. AT THE MOMENT the recommendation is that children under 12 do not wear a mask in school. At this point in time, if a member of staff feels more comfortable wearing a mask, say for health reasons, then this will be permitted following discussion with me.

    I am sure there will be many further questions to answer. Again, please try not to worry. We are here to help.

    Have a lovely evening,

    Mrs. Perry x

  • September Drop Off and Collection Times

    Mon 24 Aug 2020

    School Drop Off and Collection Times






    Drop Off Time

    Collection Time


    8.55 – 9.05

    2.45 – 2.55


    9.05 – 9.15

    2.55 – 3.05


    9.15 – 9.30







    Drop Off Time

    Collection Time


    8.45 – 8.55

    3.00 – 3.10

    YEAR 5

    8.55 – 9.05

    3.10 – 3.20

    YEAR 4

    9.05 – 9.15

    3.20 – 3.30






    Drop Off Time

    Collection Time

    YEAR 6

    9.00 – 9.10


    YEAR 3

    9.10 – 9.20

    3.00 – 3.10





    If you have more than one child at the school, you can choose which time would be best to drop them off and collect them. Please let the school know the times so teachers can prepare

  • Monday 24th August

    Mon 24 Aug 2020

    Good afternoon to you all,


    I am aware that as we approach the start of the new term, some parents will be anxious about sending their children back to school. Please be re-assured that the school has given the most serious consideration to the safety of all children, parents and staff. Things will be different for the foreseeable future but every effort has been made to make school as safe and friendly as it possibly can be. 


    Our Risk Assessment is fully up to date and can be found on the school website. It will answer many of your questions; but admittedly not all, as Government advice changes so regularly. 


    Where possible, the children will sit in rows facing the front of the class. However, the youngest children will work in the classroom environment in which they are used to. This will be one of the major differences the older children will see. The children will go to the toilet one at a time and staff will disinfect the toilet handles, door handles etc after use.


    Start times and pick-up times will be staggered for now, which will not have an adverse effect on the time spent learning. This is because lunchtimes will be staggered and the children will spend less time on the playground over lunch. Also there will be no assemblies at this point as schools are advised to keep the bubbles of which children are in as small as possible for as often as possible. This will 'free up' half and hour for learning time each day.


    Children can bring their own school bag in to school, but they do not need to bring any stationery as these items will be provided by school and the children will be actively discouraged from sharing anything. Children can bring their packed lunch in their lunchbox from Wednesday 2nd September.


    School is aiming to re-open Smarties from Monday 7th September. We recognise that many parents need this facility so that they can return to work and we have brought the re-opening date forward as a result of this recognition.


    If you have any concerns or questions then school is here to help, please do not hesitate to ask. One thing I have learnt in the past few months is that no question is a silly question. We are living in very different times and it is important that we support each other. I look forward to seeing you again next week.


    Lots of love,


    Mrs. Perry


  • Wednesday 19th August

    Wed 19 Aug 2020

    Dear Parents and Carers,


    I am writing in response to some questions that parents are worried about.


    The children will be doing PE when they return. Coach Leon will have his own Risk Assessment and the children will be doing individual work as much as possible. Where equipment is used the children will have their own individual item - eg. a hoop. All equipment will be disinfected between classes. 


    School bags are allowed but we ask that children bring as little as possible with them. They do not need to bring any stationery, however they will need to bring a full water bottle that requires washing and refilling each evening. Details are in the school Risk Assessment, on the school website. 



    All children are required to wear full school uniform and as per Government guidelines it does not need washing any more often than usual. 


    I have tried to include as much detail for the children returning to school in the Risk Assessment, however this will change in accordance to new Government directives and changes will also need to be made once school is 'up and running’. 


    I realise that parents will have concerns about returning in September and this is why I have tried to include as much detail as possible in the school Risk Assessment for you to view.


    Keep safe and well.


    Mrs. Perry

  • Tuesday 18th August

    Tue 18 Aug 2020

    Good afternoon to all parents and carers 


    I hope that you are all having a peaceful holiday? The weather isn't so great this week, but personally I am finding it far easier to deal with. Charlotte is settling well in Warsaw and she had her first day in school today. Covid-19 is affecting schools in Poland too, so I guess people all over the world are having to come to terms with the same worries as us.


    I have done two new things this week:


    1. I down loaded my banking app on to my phone. I did have to explain to the nice young man helping me that I was a bit of a dinosaur when it comes to technology. He was very understanding.


    2. I ordered some clothes online. My very first parcel arrived yesterday! Amazingly it all fits and I am really happy with it. The problem now is I want to order lots more!!


    We will be seeing each other quite soon now and I am really looking forward to that. I know that you have missed your friends and your teachers and we have missed you too. Don't worry too much about having missed work and needing to catch up. Everyone is in the same boat and I have been talking to your teachers about how we can help you. They have lots of good ideas. There is still work on the class pages if you want to have a look and for Year 6, there is some work under 'Oak Academy', where you can find some end of holiday lessons if you want it.


    Take care and keep safe.


    I will be in touch again soon.


    Mrs. Perry 

  • September Risk Assessment

    Sat 15 Aug 2020

    Good evening Parents and Carers :)


    Following on from further Government guidance our School Risk Assessment has been updated for September 2020 and can be found on the Safeguarding page on our school website or by clicking the link below.



    Hope you are all well and keeping safe and that you have a good weekend.


    Mrs. Perry. x

  • Friday 14th August

    Fri 14 Aug 2020
    Good afternoon all,

    I hope that you are all well and that you are enjoying the sunny weather (although I will admit that I am finding it rather hot!). Charlotte set off for Warsaw on Monday, she is going to teach Year 2 in the British School there. Her belongings only arrived from China a few days before she left so that was a bit nail biting as you can imagine. Anyway, she is in her new flat and she has been out running as well.

    She is very happy because there is a Tesco nearby and they are building a Primark in Warsaw. What more does a girl need??

    I have been into school a few times. Dennis the caretaker has been painting the classrooms and they look great. We look forward to seeing you all in September. I saw some of the children out on their bikes today. It made me realise how much I miss you all!!?

    Have a lovely weekend.

    Lots of love,

    Mrs. Perry :)
  • Friday 7th August - Risk Assessment Update

    Fri 07 Aug 2020

    Good morning Parents and Carers :)


    As you know the Government Guidelines are changing regularly. The latest changes were made on the 27th July. As a result I have updated our school's Risk Assessment and it can be found on the Safeguarding page on our school website or by clicking the link below.



    Have a lovely weekend.


    Mrs. Perry. x

  • Tuesday 4th August

    Tue 04 Aug 2020

    Good afternoon all :)


    I hope that you are having a good summer?


    I had a week away in Wales last week and it was extremely restful. (Just what was needed!)


    When I got home the sunflowers I planted at the beginning of lockdown had opened so that cheered me up a bit!


    Charlotte's luggage is finally arriving from China tomorrow. It has come by sea and has taken three months. She had to leave all her things when she left China (rather swiftly) in January. She is going to start her new job in Poland next week so her things have arrived with little time to spare.


    I expect that you are all wondering what life will be like in September with the current lockdown situation. The fact of it is, that at the moment, our plans for school to remain open are exactly the same as they were in July. I am updating the Risk Assessment in light of further Government guidelines and I will add the latest RA to the website as soon as I have finished it. I will let you know of any changes as soon as I become aware of them.


    Have a lovely week.


    Lots of love.

    Mrs. Perry
