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St Margaret's C of E Primary School

Aim high, never give up. Enjoy learning and growing together.


School Values

Aim high. 

Never give up.

Enjoy growing and learning together.


1 Peter 4:8, ‘Above all love each other deeply,’ encapsulates how our school thrives. We promote a love of learning with God as our guide. Our learning environment, built on our Christian values is a place of happiness and respect, encouraging strong, healthy relationships. These relationships are our greatest strength; motivating and supporting each other to do our best.

All these are all underpinned by our core value of LOVE

Our school values were inspiration for our school prayer...


Dear Lord,


Help me to be a good friend to others.

Help me to trust and respect the people around me.

Help me to be forgiving when something goes wrong.

Help me to try when I find things difficult.

Help me to be happy and ensure others around me are too.

Thank you Lord for loving us and teaching us to love one another.


